Sunday, December 23, 2012


      OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!! I was walking down the street.... okay I was window watching, but close enough for a stationary plant. But any way, I looked out the window and saw the most beautifulest sight I've ever seen! The hunkiest plant that has ever been  grown on the earth! In my moment of awe, I neglected to notice that this plant was being carried right through the doors of my home!
          I gathered myself together and swept my dirt (which I don't recommend. It was completely pointless.) and asked for his name and placement in the household. His name was THORN! ThOrN! thorn norht. OH IT SOUNDS GOOD HOWEVER YOU SAY IT! The best part is that his placement is the window opposite me. WE'RE NEIGHBORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M IN LOVE I'M IN LOVE I'M IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holiday Spot Light Stealers

                   I know I shouldn't think like this but I really do hate the holidays... especially Christmas. How I hate Christmas. The humans bring in some stupid scrawny tree, and what do they do with it? They love it and nourish it and give it fanciful sparkley things! Why can't they do that stuff to me? I clearly deserve some tinsel! As soon as that stupid tree comes into the house I disappear. POOF! And I'm ignored until it dies. I hardly get water! They just leave me to STARVE!!!! OH WHY WHY WHY  . The best attention I received since the tree was when the kid spilled hot hot chocolate in my pot! All I want for Christmas is NO MORE CHRISTMAS TREES!!!!!....... and maybe some tinsel. :)

Life Story

             Hey, its Ivy, and this is my blog. In case you didn't know me already, i'm a potted plant. A glamorous one! This is where I turn to to let out my inner leaves. Let me give you a short life story... of myself.

             So, I was born in a green house and was raised by Berry, the butterfly. I soon became bored of the green house and moved to to the big apple to join the circus. Long story short, they didn't like me and threw me out. They said I was too "green". I don't know what that means, but apperently it's not a compliment. So I moved on... to broadway, but again my talents were overlooked. Finally I landed in the biggest, grandest, bestybestbestest place on Earth: Wilton Connecticut. And my story begins.........